Sunday, September 20, 2009

Remember The Marathon!

After seeing some media on Halo: ODST, I think I might actually rent that. Yeah, I've been a bit of a Halo hater of late, but that was mostly because Halo 3 felt less like a game and more like some slap-dash obligatory fanservice that only existed to milk more money from the franchise. ODST, by the looks of it, appears to be an actual attempt to make a game rather than a quick buck. It also feels like they stopped pretending that they're still Bungie Software. The post-Microsoft exodus from the company hit their creative departments hard, but it looks like maybe (just maybe) the kids are starting to go out on their own instead of trying to fill the old man's shoes. In the words of one old Bungie veteran, "FROG BLAST THE VENT CORE!"

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